Archivos del autor: Carlos F Martinez


Todos los seres humanos pasamos por momentos de aburrimiento que generalmente son originados por disgustos o por alguna molestia. La falta de actividades físicas o simplemente actividades sociales pueden llevar a la persona a aburrirse y perder el interés por muchas cosas. Es importante anotar que el aburrimiento puede ser un síntoma de depresión, pero […]

Entrada publicada en Artículos, Depresión | Comentarios cerrados

Borderline Personality Disorder

Years ago I had the opportunity to work on the inpatient unit of a psychiatric hospital. It was gratifying to see how many of the patients recovered from psychotic episodes in a matter of 2 to 3 days, after medications helped bring their symptoms under control. During that time, however, I also encountered patients whose […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Borderline Personality Disorder, Personality Disorder | Comentarios cerrados

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a disease that occurs in some women after childbirth which can affect their thoughts, emotions, and relationships. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one million women suffer from postpartum depression each year in the United States. Many women experience mood swings after having a baby and this […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Depression, Family Issues | Comentarios cerrados

Problemas en la familia, ¿quién es el culpable?

No es raro escuchar a un terapeuta familiar decir que los problemas en un hogar no son causados solamente por un miembro de la familia. Para muchos esto es difícil de entender cuando se está viviendo con una persona violenta, un adicto o con alguien que tiene un “carácter difícil”. La mayoría de las personas […]

Entrada publicada en Artículos, Asuntos Familiares, Desarrollo Personal, Servicios de Salud mental | Comentarios cerrados

Bulimia Nervosa

Some people tend to believe that an appropriate diet borders on the concept of starvation. They skip meals during the day, usually breakfast and lunch, even when experiencing intense hunger. However, when evening arrives and hunger becomes unbearable, they engage in binge eating that can last up to several hours. Then, they purge themselves using […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Eating Disorders | Comentarios cerrados

Obsessed with Weight Loss?

Turn on the TV, pick up any popular magazine, or simply listen to conversation among friends and coworkers, and you will inevitably hear mention of weight, diet, and weight loss. Slim physiques are highly prized, in Latino/Hispanic cultures and others. At the same time, however, we are bombarded with advertising for new snack foods, fast […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Eating Disorders | Comentarios cerrados

Learn How to Be More Intelligent

When we hear the word intelligence, we usually imagine mental functions such as perception, or the ability to receive and keep information. We also think of someone with an exceptional memory and an innate ability to store data in the brain. But hardly ever do we hear about emotional intelligence and the need to develop […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Personal Growth | Comentarios cerrados

¿Por qué algunas mujeres fingen un embarazo?

Para la mayoría de las personas la idea de fingir un embarazo es impensable. ¿Por qué alguien decide hacer una cosa así? Parece extraño y muy egoísta, pero sucede de vez en cuando. Algunos expertos en este tema consideran que existen cinco razones por las que algunas mujeres optan por fingir un embarazo: 1. Problemas […]

Entrada publicada en Artículos, Asuntos Familiares | Comentarios cerrados

Panic Attacks

Feeling a little nervous from time to time is normal for most of us. However, if a person reaches the point of losing control and being unable to function well in daily work, we might suspect that he/she suffers from panic attacks. This disease is known as Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is an anxiety disorder […]

Entrada publicada en Anxiety Disorders, Articles | Comentarios cerrados

Pedophilia is a Mental Disorder

Sometimes in the news we hear about individuals, often men, looking for young boys or girls to molest. For every parent this creates anxiety and fear, and finding ways to protect children is essential. Hearing such stories often leads not only to fear, but questions. How could a person commit such acts against children? How […]

Entrada publicada en Articles, Pedophilia, Sexual Issues, Trauma in Children | Comentarios cerrados
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