Christmas and New Year holidays are supposed to bring moments of joy, pleasantness, and gestures of love. Unfortunately, many people feel sad, anxious, and hopeless, especially immigrants.
Many immigrants wonder more intensely about their loved ones in their home countries. This produces feelings of sadness and longing, and many immigrants even feel guilty for not being with their families. For many Hispanic immigrants, Christmas is a religious and spiritual celebration in which everyone should be happy, and these holidays should be celebrated with family members. It is important to recognize that these feelings worsen with alcohol or drug consumption.
Alcohol consumption is common in many cultures during the holidays. The number of people looking to celebrate these special days using and abusing alcohol and other chemicals is higher in December than in any other month of the year. As a result, the number of car accidents, cases of domestic violence, and street fighting increases significantly. The number of drunk drivers on the roads also becomes a serious threat.
Holiday blues is not a clinical term, nor is it a clinical disorder seen in psychiatric textbooks, but it is a reality that many people experience in December, and sometimes the symptoms are similar to those of a clinical depression. Unfortunately, the word Christmas is perceived as a moment to regret rather than a celebration and a moment of joy. There are several reasons why a person may feel melancholic during the Christmas holiday. People may think of a loved one who has died or remember family members that they cannot spend time with. These individuals remember their past holidays with nostalgia, especially if they have shared many Christmases with these absent loved ones in the past. Individuals tend to focus all their attention on missing family members, which deprives them of having fun.
There are certain signs and symptoms in an individual who may be suffering from the holiday blues. They may show irritability, lack of energy, poor concentration, negative thoughts, weight gain or loss, gain or loss of sleep, poor communication with others, and even suicidal thoughts.
Examples of ways individuals can overcome their grief include remembering the good times they had with their loved ones and sharing those memories with people around them. They can share memories with neighbors or friends. Talking to someone about how you feel can be very beneficial, but find someone who can listen. Small things can also make a big difference, so take a hot bath, watch a happy movie, listen to music, read a good book, avoid stressful situations, go to a concert, meditate, pray, or engage in a social club or a support group where they understand your situation. Most non-profit and faith-based organizations are looking for volunteers during the holidays.
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Holiday Blues
Christmas and New Year holidays are supposed to bring moments of joy, pleasantness, and gestures of love. Unfortunately, many people feel sad, anxious, and hopeless, especially immigrants.
Many immigrants wonder more intensely about their loved ones in their home countries. This produces feelings of sadness and longing, and many immigrants even feel guilty for not being with their families. For many Hispanic immigrants, Christmas is a religious and spiritual celebration in which everyone should be happy, and these holidays should be celebrated with family members. It is important to recognize that these feelings worsen with alcohol or drug consumption.
Alcohol consumption is common in many cultures during the holidays. The number of people looking to celebrate these special days using and abusing alcohol and other chemicals is higher in December than in any other month of the year. As a result, the number of car accidents, cases of domestic violence, and street fighting increases significantly. The number of drunk drivers on the roads also becomes a serious threat.
Holiday blues is not a clinical term, nor is it a clinical disorder seen in psychiatric textbooks, but it is a reality that many people experience in December, and sometimes the symptoms are similar to those of a clinical depression. Unfortunately, the word Christmas is perceived as a moment to regret rather than a celebration and a moment of joy. There are several reasons why a person may feel melancholic during the Christmas holiday. People may think of a loved one who has died or remember family members that they cannot spend time with. These individuals remember their past holidays with nostalgia, especially if they have shared many Christmases with these absent loved ones in the past. Individuals tend to focus all their attention on missing family members, which deprives them of having fun.
There are certain signs and symptoms in an individual who may be suffering from the holiday blues. They may show irritability, lack of energy, poor concentration, negative thoughts, weight gain or loss, gain or loss of sleep, poor communication with others, and even suicidal thoughts.
Examples of ways individuals can overcome their grief include remembering the good times they had with their loved ones and sharing those memories with people around them. They can share memories with neighbors or friends. Talking to someone about how you feel can be very beneficial, but find someone who can listen. Small things can also make a big difference, so take a hot bath, watch a happy movie, listen to music, read a good book, avoid stressful situations, go to a concert, meditate, pray, or engage in a social club or a support group where they understand your situation. Most non-profit and faith-based organizations are looking for volunteers during the holidays.